Mall WalkersJan. 20, 2011 --February is American Heart Month, and you can learn the basics of maintaining a healthy one during a program on Friday, Feb. 4, at The Westchester in White Plains as part of the Be Fit Mall Walk program.

Beginning at 9 a.m., fitness walkers can join Pamela Jones, a physical therapist with the cardiopulmonary program at Burke Rehabilitation Hospital in White Plains. She will discuss the basics of how to get your heart into shape and how to keep it healthy for a long and healthy life.

The program will be conducted at the Food Court on Level 4. Admission and parking are free for Be Fit members.

Sponsored by Westchester County Parks, the program offers year-round indoor health walking at Westchester’s premier mall on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.

To join the mall walk program, sign up at the horse fountain plaza between Crate & Barrel and Restoration Hardware on retail level two of the mall, on Tuesday and Friday mornings during the program. For more information, call the Parks Department at (914) 864-7077.