Aug. 19, 2016 -- Westchester County Executive Robert P. Astorino and Ron Tocci, Director of the county’s Veterans Service Agency, today presented three combat service medals to John Politi, 70 years after he earned them for his service in the United States Navy during World War II. The medals were secured for Politi through efforts by his family and Westchester County.
“Mr. Politi never asked for this recognition but the responsibility is ours to see to it that all that is owed to our veterans is paid to them the best we can,” said Astorino. “The courageous service and selfless sacrifice of men like Mr. Politi serves as an example for all of us, and it also serves as a beacon for the next generation.”
Politi’s children learned of the medals when they were going through some of his papers. Once contacted by the family, Tocci and his staff worked diligently to secure the three medals from the Department of Defense. Politi earned the WWII Victory Medal, American Theatre Medal and the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal for his service in the Pacific Theatre. Politi fought in the 2nd Battle of Guam, the battle that recaptured the strategic island from Japanese control.
“These medals are not to honor me as an individual,” said Politi. “They are to honor all of the men and women, able or disabled, which overtime have defended our country, the greatest county in the world.”
Politi, 91, became a Master Machinist and Tool & Die Maker following his military service. He is a lifelong resident of Mount Vernon. He still resides in the first home he ever purchased, with his daughter Patricia. His wife Elizabeth passed away 20 years ago, and he lost his daughter Catherine three years ago to cancer. He has a son John Jr., a daughter Elizabeth and three grandchildren.