The 2020 Census is happening now, and Westchester County Executive George Latimer is encouraging all residents to fill out their 2020 Census form on Census Day, April 1, 2020. Residents should have already received invitations to respond to the 2020 Census in the mail, and can respond by phone, by mail or online. Latimer is stressing the importance of a full and complete count for Westchester County.
Latimer said: “Our mission is a simple one – every resident of Westchester County must be counted. We understand that the current climate is an uncertain one, but that does not mean our participation in the 2020 Census is not paramount. We kicked off a robust Census awareness campaign a few months ago, and established a Complete Count Committee nearly a year ago that has put a great focus on ensuring all sectors of the County are participating. The potential loss of representation, and federal dollars, is what is at stake here, and if you are a resident of this County – you need to be counted.”
Commissioner of the Department of Planning Norma Drummond said: “Families and households come in all different shapes and sizes. Counting every member of your household is important, especially young children. The data collected from this 2020 Census will become the baseline for the next ten years of Westchester’s growth.”
Census information is used to determine federal funds, grants and support to states, counties and communities, and Westchester County benefits the most when all residents are counted. By responding to the 2020 Census, we are ensuring that Westchester County gets its fair share of the more than $880 billion per year in federal funds spent on schools, hospitals, roads, public works and other vital programs.
The Coronavirus pandemic has forced the Census Bureau to temporarily suspend all field operations. Field workers were not scheduled to go out door-to-door until the end of April, giving residents a chance to respond in other ways first – online at, by phone in English (844) 330-2020 or in Spanish (844) 468-2020, or through the U.S mail. Even if you have not received a letter from the Census, you can still respond through any of the means above.
College students who are home because of the Coronavirus should be counted at the residence where they would have been living on April 1. Students who were living in college dorms should be counted at those dorms and not at home, but students who were living in private housing off-campus should still complete a Census survey for that private housing unit. Students who are living with their parents while they attend school should be counted as part of their parent’s household.
Fill out your 2020 Census form online. For more information, visit Westchester County Census.