Westchester County’s Department of Senior Programs and Services (DSPS) has issued 3 request for proposals (RFP(s)) from qualified agencies for services that benefit the senior community. Funding comes from grants through the federal Older Americans Act.
The RFP:
INFORMATION & ASSISTANCE SERVICES TO THE ELDERLY WITHIN THE CITIES OF YONKERS, NEW ROCHELLE AND MOUNT VERNON seeks services for persons 60 years or older residing in Westchester County on available public services, benefits, entitlements and voluntary services and resources within their communities, and linking such individuals to such appropriate community resources, opportunities and services.
SENIOR CENTER RECREATION AND EDUCATION FOR THE LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL AND TRANSGENDER (LGBT) COMMUNITY seeks services for persons 60 years or older residing in Westchester County to help them remain independent, active members of the community as long as possible by optimally maintaining their physical, mental and economic well-being.
MEDICARE INFORMATION seeks to provide Medicare information services to elderly persons 60 years or older residing in Westchester County, concerning available public benefits, entitlements and community resources.
Information on this and other RFPs is available at www.westchestergov.com/rfp. Each of the RFP’s listed above have a due date of 3 p.m. on December 2, 2019.
All proposals must be received at:
The Department of Senior Programs and Services
Westchester County Office Building
9 South First Avenue, 10th Floor
Mount Vernon, NY 10550-3414
For information about the Department of Senior Programs and Services, call (914) 813-6300 or visit www.westchestergov.com/seniors.