August 6, 2019 - Foster and adoptive parents, along with the children they support, are invited to enjoy a full day of family fun at Playland Park this Saturday, August 10 at 12 p.m. The annual event, Foster/Adoptive Family Fun Day, is an opportunity to show appreciation and support for Westchester County’s foster and adoptive parents, as well as grandparents, who have opened their hearts and homes to vulnerable children and youth. The rain date is set for Saturday, August 17.
Commissioner of the Department of Social Services Kevin McGuire said: “Fostering is very important to the work that we do for the well-being of all children in our care. Foster parents, adoptive parents and grandparents who care for kids in need are very special people, and their generosity deserves to be celebrated. We are also thankful for the numerous volunteers who make this day a fantastic event, year after year.”
Welcome ceremonies will take place from 12 to 12:30 p.m. Guests are asked to check in at the welcome tables at the park entrance directly in front of the fountains beginning at 11 a.m., and the park opens at noon. Foster/Adoptive Family Fun Day has been held at Playland Park for the past 14 years. Children and youth in care, along with their foster and adoptive families, will receive a t-shirt, buffet lunch, activities like face painting and arts and crafts, and complimentary amusement park rides for the remainder of the day.
The County Executive’s Office, the Department of Social Services, the Board of Legislators, Family Court Judges and others have supported this event each year. For more information, please contact Tonya Holt in the Office of the Commissioner of Social Services at