April 29, 2019 -- Furthering his mission to bring new and experienced leaders into Westchester County government, County Executive George Latimer announced the appointment of new Executive Directors, Chairs and CEO’s to a number of County commissions. The new leaders were selected to bring a fresh perspective to the Solid Waste Commission and the Taxi and Limousine Commission.
Latimer said: “What we’ve tried to do over the course of time is identify people that have a specific talent and ability, and bring them into the administration to complement the members who have been asked to continue on with us. We are slowly making changes and getting qualified people from the outside to joins us, and both of these women who are with us today are very established and talented.”
Peri Kadanoff has been appointed to Executive Director of the Solid Waste Commission, and Leandra Eustache has been appointed Chair and CEO of the Taxi & Limousine Commission. Kadanoff previously served as Deputy Attorney General in Charge of the Organized Crime Task Force of the New York State Attorney General’s Office. Eustache was formerly the Senior Supervising Attorney of the New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission Prosecution Division.
Kadanoff said: “I want to thank the County Executive for this opportunity. I’ve been serving the people of the State of New York for over two decades, and I’m very excited to be selected to now serve the people of my own community in my own backyard.”
Eustache said: “I feel truly honored to have been selected for this important role of leadership at the Westchester County TLC, and I am confident that under your leadership and with the collaboration and support of the Commission staff and board members that I will be able to effect some positive change on the industry and in the County.”