Provides Critical Resources to Protect Against Domestic Violence Crimes and Incidents
In observance of the second annual Stalking Awareness Day of Action on Saturday, January 18, the Westchester County Office for Women (OFW) wants to remind you that they are here to support, advocate and assist all victims of stalking and domestic violence with a comprehensive range of services and resources.
OFW Director Robi Schlaff said: “Being a victim of physical or emotional abuse can be isolating, overwhelming and terrifying. The OFW wants to take this opportunity to guide victims through these traumatic events with empathy and compassion by providing confidential, supportive and culturally appropriate services, either through our team or through one of our dedicated partner agencies.”
“The correlation between stalking and domestic violence is sobering: 81% of women stalked by a current or former spouse/cohabitating partner were physically assaulted by that partner.A Even more alarming is that stalking increases the risk of intimate partner homicide by three times.B We take reports of stalking very seriously because we are aware of the tragic outcomes, and we treat all victims and their families without judgement and with confidentiality and respect.”
The OFW is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and provides a wide variety of services, including risk assessment, sheltering information, navigating the criminal and family court justice system, rights advocacy, wellness resources and more.
White Plains: (914) 995-5972 (English) / (914) 995-6581 (Spanish)
Yonkers: (914) 231-2882 (English/Spanish)
New Rochelle: (914) 813-5113 (English) / (914) 813-5511 (Spanish)
The OFW partners with a number of other domestic violence support agencies and organizations. All services are free and confidential:
The Family Justice Center (FJC) -- a safe space where victims can speak with an advocate to get legal help in obtaining an Order of Protection, obtain information on custody and child support, immigration and other issues, as well as learn how to make a safety plan. It is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and is located at the Westchester County Court Complex, with free child care and Spanish-speaking staff available. Call (914) 995-1880.
Westchester County Department of Probation -- a law enforcement agency and a partner in the criminal justice system designed to protect the people of Westchester by providing a balance of prevention, intervention, and supervision strategies for offenders, victims, and families, and to enforce the orders and conditions imposed by the courts. They are on site at all the County courthouses to assist in the preparation of orders of protection. For general information call (914) 995-3500.
Hope’s Door -- Hotline (24/7) (888) 438-8700
Multi-lingual counselors are available to help with emergency shelter, counseling, support groups, information, referral, and advocacy. Attorneys can help with divorce, custody, visitation, child support, orders of protection, immigration, credit, and landlord-tenant issues.
My Sisters’ Place -- 27/7 Shelter Hotline (800) 298-7233
For intake, counseling, safety planning, advocacy, human trafficking or support groups, call (914) 683-1333 (x201 or x200)
For legal, family law or immigration assistance, call (914) 683-1333 x225
Westchester County District Attorney's Office Special Prosecutions Division/DV Bureau
Multilingual Hotline --- (914) 995-8477
To report DV, Child Abuse, Elder Abuse and Human Trafficking crimes/incidents, call (914) 995-3000
Family Courts:
White Plains: (914) 824-5500
Yonkers: (914) 995-6555
New Rochelle: (914) 831-6590
Legal Services of the Hudson Valley --- Intake (877) 574-8529 (Monday–Thursday from 8 a.m.–6 p.m./ Fridays from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.) Comprehensive representation of victims of domestic violence, trafficking and other legal issues.
For more information about stalking, including ways to participate in National Stalking Awareness Day of Action, visit the Stalking Prevention, Awareness & Resource Center (SPARC).
For a complete list of services and resources compiled by the OFW, please visit their website.
A Tjaden, P. & Thoennes, N. (1998). Stalking in America: Findings from the national violence against women survey (NCJ# 169592). Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
B Spencer, C.M. & Stith, S.M. (2018). Risk Factors for Male Perpetration and Female Victimization of Intimate Partner Homicide: A Meta-Analysis. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 21(3): 527-540