Donation or Giving Gardens are a way for communities to respond to local food shortages and food insecurity. Sometimes connected to a Community Garden and sometimes run independently, Giving Gardens are often designed using a cooperative model with members attending to the garden on a rotating basis through the growing season. All or most of the food harvested is donated.

Title: Pleasantville Community Garden How-To Guide
Sponsoring Organization: Pleasantville Community Garden
Description:  "This How-To Guide is a compilation of experience and best practices from the founders, organizers and Board of the Pleasantville Community Garden and the combined knowledge of numerous community experts.... This Guide is geared toward community-run donation gardens, as this was the experience of the Pleasantville Community Garden. The goal of this How-To Guide is to expand the mission of the Pleasantville Community Garden, to help others battle food insecurity by providing people in need with healthy fresh produce. We want to help passionate people in other towns, cities and organizations to create their own community-run donation gardens, strengthening their community and supporting those in need." Entire guide is available on the website as well as in a downloadable PDF.