Free app designed to help make recycling and solid waste information more accessible to County residents

Westchester County’s Department of Environmental Facilities (DEF) has launched a free mobile app to help make recycling and solid waste information more accessible to County residents and visitors. This app features a scanning function that uses image recognition technology to identify items. Residents will now be able to use the app to scan items in order to determine how to recycle the item. This will help residents recycling and allow for more informed purchasing decisions.

The ‘Recycle Coach’ app connects residents with the correct local recycling and disposal information, optional recycling event alerts, educational tools, and the tools to make purchasing decisions to reduce their waste footprint. The app includes a “What Goes Where?” search tool with local disposal information and collection requirements for common and uncommon items. It also has a product scanning feature that will let users know whether product packaging is recyclable prior to deciding on purchases, empowering residents to be informed consumers.

Local municipalities will also be able to share their municipal collection schedules, calendar of events, and provide information on service disruptions.

“Recycle Coach compliments DEF’s current education efforts including the Recycling HelpLine, website, and educational flyers, offering another way for residents to access accurate recycling information.” Westchester County Executive George Latimer said. “DEF looks forward to working with municipalities to begin using this free app, boost participation, and improve recycling rates countywide.”

“Ultimately, the service takes the guesswork out of recycling, empowering residents to make smarter disposal decisions and take an active approach to reducing household waste.,” said DEF First Deputy Commissioner Lou Vetrone.

Users can access Recycle Coach for free from their desktop computers and mobile devices. The app can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.

For more information, visit or call (914) 813-5425.