“One year ago today, we all witnessed 8 minutes and 46 seconds that took a life. These nearly 9 minutes set in motion progress that was long, long awaited. Here in Westchester, we honored the life of Mr. Floyd through our words and through our actions. We jump started a Police Reform and Reimaging Committee that set the standard County-wide – a committee which has made some recommendations that have already been put into place by the County’s Department of Public Safety.

“As I said a year ago, George Floyd was murdered. It was not an accident or an overreaction to a moment. He was not resisting arrest. He did not have a weapon to threaten. His words were not a threat to those around him. A sentiment that was echoed by a jury when Mr. Floyd’s murderer was found guilty of his crimes.

“Now, it is on all of us to continue to confront the injustices that were rightfully pushed to the forefront of our collective consciousness. Only through this confrontation and collective action will change finally come.”

George Latimer, Westchester County Executive