Watch the full press conference.
Fast facts on COVID-19 in Westchester County:
- In the early hours this morning the Westchester County Health Department was notified that a New Rochelle man tested positive for COVID-19.
- The man is currently in a New York City hospital.
- As this time the Westchester County Health Department is investigating.
- We are looking into where this man went and where his family went.
- Wife and family is already quarantined
- We are assessing testing the family
- One child attends college in NYC
- One child goes to SAR in NYC
- The man did attend events at a house of worship in New Rochelle
- The County Health Department will reach out if you were at one of these events with the man – we are conducting a full investigation
- This man did use Metro North to commute into the City for work
- The NYS DOH looking into his travel into the city – they are conducting this portion of the investigation
- The man was also seen at a Westchester County Hospital in the past few weeks – specifically New York-Presbyterian Lawrence Hospital
- The Westchester County Health Department is in communication with hospital officials in the County
- Right now we are in the information gathering phase
- If you have any concerns about COVID-19 please call 211 – they will have the most up-to-date information and they are here for you
- 8 a. m. – 10 p.m. Seven days a week.
- Please call them – use this resource
- We are also activating the EOC – so we are prepared and coordinate
People in Quarantine
- The Westchester County Health Department is currently monitoring is 12 individuals – OUTSIDE OF THIS CASE – (THIS NUMBER IS FLUID)
- These people are all quarantined – this is a voluntary quarantine most are in their homes
- Isolation is when you are sick
- Quarantine is when you are exposed to illness
- Westchester County Health Department is following CDC and New York State Department of Health protocols
- The Westchester County Health Department, with County Emergency Services, and County Public Safety are assisting
As of Right Now - Steps Taken
- With Coronavirus spreading globally, the CDC has issued travel health notices. To date, Westchester County residents should avoid nonessential travel to both China, Iran, Italy and South Korea given the number of cases in these countries.
- Older residents and those with chronic medical conditions should consider also avoiding travel to Japan.
- Before making travel plans, visit the CDC website as information is continuously being updated.
What can the County do to prepare and keep residents safe:
- County Departments, including the Departments of Health and Emergency Services continue to participate in state and federal briefings to receive situational updates and information on the latest guidance for health care personnel and for monitoring persons potentially exposed.
- The County is in communication with our local hospitals and other health care providers to monitor their supply of personal protective equipment and the County stands ready to assist facilities that need help with obtaining supplies.
- The County is reviewing its emergency response plans and is prepared to implement strategies, should the need arise, that would help lessen exposure to residents
- The County Department of Health continues to follow state and federal guidance on monitoring of persons who may have been exposed.
- The County continues to send updates to medical providers and first responders as new information is obtained.
- The Health Department has a coronavirus webpage and the NYS Department of Health continues to staff a coronavirus hotline.
What can you/residents do:
- Children are not overtly at risk
- Stay informed, calm and don't be alarmed
- Wash hands -at least 20 seconds with soap and water
- Stay home when sick
- Cover your mouth when cough or sneeze - elbow or tissue
- Clean with non-green products (i.e. bleach-based)
- Get your flu shot