County Executive George Latimer testified before the Westchester Assembly Delegation in Greenburgh and expressed his concerns about the proposed New York State Budget.
Latimer stressed: “We have always found that working together is the best way to find solutions that benefit all parties involved and so we hope that now in these sensitive and fragile times we can work together to help our taxpayers. Westchester has begun addressing budget challenges, and we will continue on this fiscal prudent path. Additionally, as you well know, we continue to be cognizant of the damage done by the federal elimination of the SALT deductions. We are still working to find alternative ways to provide financial relief for our residents on both state and local levels, and will support any creative strategies that the Legislature and the Governor put forth to meet these challenges. That is why we are concerned about Westchester County having to fund significant additional Medicaid costs – a move that could destroy our budget. Covering this cost will mean that roads, services and most importantly our taxpayers will suffer.”