“Westchester County stands with the people of Rockland County and condemns the horrific act of violence last night in Monsey.
“I have directed the Westchester County Police Patrol Units to conduct additional inspections of synagogues and any other Jewish facilities within our jurisdiction. If any are occupied, we are having our officers stop in to reassure that we are here to protect them.
“This is in addition to the continuing Operation Safeguard Taskings which have been ongoing for more than a week in our County in conjunction with New York State Police. These Taskings consist of daily inspections and high-visibility patrols of places of mass gatherings, transportation facilities and retail centers. County Police also has a detective partaking in the response to the incident in Rockland County.
“This is a very holy time of the year, one where we must come together and protect and support our neighbors. We pray for the victims and pray that unity and tolerance prevails.”