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June 5, 2019 – Responding to complaints of noise stemming from flights flying over the County, County Executive George Latimer is taking action. The County has entered into a contract with a nationally respected consultant to analyze historical noise data and flight patterns.
Latimer, as planes flew overhead, said: “We are here to show that the County is going to do our best to make a case to the FAA about what the noise problems are. For a long period of time, the County did not have this monitoring in effect, so the data that we had was not helpful. This is the beginning of a number of efforts that will allow us to collect good, useful data.”
This independent analysis will be done by Harris, Miller, Miller & Hanson (HMMH) and allows the County to better collect hard empirical data on noise and flight patterns. Expanded hard data, along with anecdotal evidence, will assist the County in their efforts to further address community noise concerns.
The scope of their work includes:
Collecting data;
Preparing a base map;
Processing the data (or Model Aircraft Noise);
Review of the entire program for changes in patterns (including years 2013-2018); and
Lastly, assess the locations of monitors and adjust accordingly.
This new program will allow the County to add expanded hard data numbers to anecdotal evidence of noise. By looking at the historic data, including flight patterns and type of aircraft, the County then can determine changes over time which can explain why certain communities are experiencing noise issues now when they have not in the past. Notable changes may include aircraft size, flying altitude, or flying different approach patterns. While the County does not have the ability to change flight patterns, this expanded data will serve as a valuable tool when advocating to the FAA on behalf of County residents.
Additionally, Latimer displayed an example of the portable noise monitoring devices that have been placed in key locations where the County is receiving an increasing number of complaints. This one at the home of the press conference host, Jeff Kuduk of Chappaqua. Currently, the County has 7 portable noise monitors placed on residents’ property in Purchase, two in Pleasantville, Scarsdale, White Plains and two in Chappaqua. These are in addition to the 22 fixed noise monitors the County has also placed.
Kuduk said: “About 9 months ago, as I had the windows open, I really started to notice how many planes were flying over my home late at night. I contacted the County and heard back from them the next day where, among other things, they mentioned these portable monitors and I told them I was willing to volunteer to house one. Hopefully we will be able to use this data to move the needle on this issue.”
Latimer and the County took these actions in response to concerns he heard at a series of public hearings regarding the airport.
Latimer concluded: “What we are looking for is an annual picture of what happens, and you need to have these in their location long enough to see the patterns and draw judgment.”