**View video of the full update HERE.**
Westchester County is committed to working cooperatively with NYS DEC and NYC DEP to protect our drinking water.
Westchester County welcomes all suggestions on environmental issues.
Westchester County Airport has an Environmental Management Program that has been in existence since 2004.
The prior administration suspended the ground water monitoring program.
The ground water monitoring program samples and monitors wells at the airport but these are not drinking wells. There are no drinking water wells on the airport property.
The monitoring is done to see if contamination is or could potentially threaten the Blind Brook Watershed or the Kensico Reservoir.
Contamination can be from jet fuel or deicing fluid or other sources
Among these contaminants are PFAS.
PFAS are an emerging unregulated contaminate.
PFAS are used in many products from carpeting, apparels, upholstery, food paper wrappings, fire-fighting foams and metal plating.
Military began using firefighting foam with PFAS.
3M was the manufacturer of this foam and the County is taking steps to file suit against 3M.
Unfortunately, we are finding PFAS in our testing of the ground water monitoring wells.
The County has hired a consultant to help us track where the water is migrating to and how to best deal with remediation.
At the airport we are using water instead of foam to practice putting out fires – however it is important to note that to saves lives in a real aircraft fire we will use foam.