Title: Bringing Nature Home: How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants
Author: Douglas W. Tallamy
Publisher: Timber Press, 2009
Description:  Appendices detail hundreds of plants by region, growing conditions, and value as host plants for moths and butterflies

Title:  The Native Plant Center Plant List
Author/Source:  The Native Plant Center at Westchester Community College, Valhalla, NY
Description: Includes detailed "Native Plant of the Year" profiles as well as lists for specific planting conditions.

Title: Plant Lists
Author/Source: Pollinator Pathway Northeast         
Description: Extensive library of native plant lists for pollinators.

Title: Plant Lists
Author/Source: Protect Our Pollinators
Description: Extensive library of native plant lists for pollinators.

Title: Native Plant Finder
Author/Source: National Wildlife Federation
Description:   Create a customized list of native plants for your area by entering your zip code into the search tool.

Title: Mount Pleasant Conservation Advisory Council's Native Plant Resource Guide
Author/Source: Mount Pleasant Conservation Advisory Council
Description:  Available on the Westchester County Town of Mount Pleasant's website at the top left of the page. This comprehensive list includes native plants recommendations for various site conditions and tolerances.

Title:  Native Ferns, Moss & Grasses: From Emerald Carpet to Amber Wave: Serene and Sensuous Plants for the Garden
Author:  William Cullina, New England Wild Flower Society
Publisher: Echo Point Books, 2020
Description:  Book with extensive information, including how to grow and propagate native ferns, moss & grasses