Read your seed packets carefully before you start to plant the seeds contained in them. And remember to double-check local timetables, especially if you have purchased your packets at a national chain. Those packets often are intended for a wide range of environments -- another good reason to buy seed from a local or regional seed specialist.

Title: Seed Sowing and Planting Outdoors          
Author/Source: New York Botanical Garden
Description: In May, after the last frost, start thinking about planting out warm-season vegetables and tender annuals and perennials. Here are a few tips on seed sowing and planting out seedlings -- your summer bounty. 

Title: Planting Vegetable Seeds Outdoors
Author/Source: Bronx GreenUp, New York Botanical Garden
Description: This tip sheet lists those plants that prefer to be seeded directly into the ground rather than being grown in trays and then transplanted into the garden. The sheet then tells exactly how to prepare and do that sowing.